10th Place Finish out of 147 La Crosse Wisconsin FLW BFL
Just got back from fishing the FLW BFL in La Crosse Wisconsin. The trip was about a 7 hour drive from St. Louis. It was an easy drive...
No More Co-Anglers on the FLW Tour
So last week the news came out that there will be no more Co-Anglers on the FLW Tour. I knew the decision was probably going to happen as...
8th Place Finish out of 92 at Truman Lake
Just got back from competing in the FLW BFL on Truman Lake. I haven't fished on Truman Lake in ages. The last time that I had fished...
Halfway Point
So far I've reached the halfway point through my year of tournament fishing. I decided at the beginning of the year that I was going to...
2nd Place Finish FLW BFL on Lake of the Ozarks
Just got back after a great weekend of competing in the FLW BFL on Lake of the Ozarks. The fishing was pretty good and I experienced an...