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73rd Place out of 187 at FLW COSTA Series Kentucky Lake and Barkley

So needless to say I ended up having a very mediocre tournament. Kentucky Lake has been brutal due to the infestation of Asian Carp which have take over the lake. On day one I drew a kid straight out of College. My Pro ended up having about a dozen ledges to go fish. We found fish to be on his first spot. I ended up catching a 5 plus pound fish first thing in the morning and a short fish on a worm. My Pro ended up catching two keepers off the spot. We bounced around on a bunch of different spots and failed to connect with any fish. It wasn't until real late in the day that my Pro caught his 3rd fish and keeper of the day. After day one I was sitting in the top 50 and in good position for day two to earn a check.

Day two I ended up drawing a local Pro who had a good day one. Before our day even got started he hit a big tree while putting in at another ramp and damaged his lower unit. He said that there was a good chance that his motor wouldn't make it the rest of the day and that I would probably have to come back with another boat. On the first day he managed to catch 19lbs of bass and was sitting in the top 20. We went to the spot where he sacked them on the first day to find that nothing was biting.

We sat on the spot for a couple of hours without even a bite. We then went and fished a couple more of his spots without any luck. Finally we went shallow to try our hand at flipping some boat docks. He was able to catch two keepers while flipping and I was able to catch a 4lber on a dropshot off the front of a dock.

While we were running across the lake my Pro's motor blew up. I had to end the day a couple hours short and get a ride back with another boat. It was a tough tournament but I felt like even though I didn't fare well and neither did any of my Pros that I fished with that I learned more about ledge fishing and fishing in general on Kentucky Lake which will serve me well as I advance up the ranks in FLW.

Kentucky Lake is one of those lakes that is just feast or famine because there are not as many fish in it anymore. I remember the days when I used to go down to Kentucky Lake and sit on one school of fish and just catch them for hours. Nowadays most of the schools if you find them are just a couple of fish. Fishing is a sport of highs and lows. While this will go down as one of the lows I'll be returning to Kentucky Lake for the LBL BFL next week and I'm looking forward to getting some redemption.

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